Monday, August 31, 2009

SAP > Edit Plant Fax Number

Posted by Aries Wandari

     Current fax number on RFQ print is problem, have to change it to another available number. Based on the smartforms, the number is get from plant address data. Go to SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Logistics – General > Define copy delete check plant. Define plant, choose desired plant, click envelope button, there show plant address.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

SAP > Form not Found

Posted by Aries Wandari

       Trying to print PO doc type ZSVS (PO service), error notification comes out “Forms not Found”. Search on NACE, show that the smartforms is not assigned yet. It mean that for this 2 years users not using PO service print…

          Accounting boss want to trial a schema that PO service has quantity as the value of the PO. While its value is 1. Hopefully the schema will make GR and invoicing more easier. But it will need some modification on smartforms. 
Before modification
After modification

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

SAP > SAP PM Meeting Update

Posted by Aries Wandari

Rough note of latest SAP PM meeting attended.   
Beberapa poin dalam enhancement modul SAP PM:
1. Penerapan refurbishment pada store, dengan demikian material yang (sedang dalam perbaikan) di vendor dapat dimonitor.
2. Cross application timesheet (CATS), dimana data jam kerja karyawan di modul PM link dengan modul HR sehingga hour rate dan pay hour-nya bisa dimonitor.
3. Membuat printed form untuk permit request di SAP.
4. PR maintenance harus dari WO.
5. Store withdrawal from SR --> WO.
6. Setiap WO harus berasal dari Notifikasi.
7. Pembenahan cost centre, karena banyak cost centre yang budgetnya ada namun aktualnya tidak ada, atau sebaliknya. Perlu pembahasan bersama antara user pengguna cost centre dan pembuat budget dengan cost centre maintainer (pak Rashid).
8. Masalah cost centre lagi, untuk kasus dimana suatu pembiayaan (material/service) namun penggunaannya oleh banyak departemen. Biaya akan dibebankan ke cost centre mana. Saat ini biaya dibebankan ke cost centre yang paling banyak menggunakan material/service ini.
9. Pertanyaan pihak maintenance dimana banyak WO yang sudah closed namun masih ada PR yang terbuka sehingga WO harus di un-close PR bisa proses ke tahap selanjutnya. Juga pertanyaan proses akunting selanjutnya apabila sudah CLSD.
10. Mengecek script pada WO apakah cost centre yang keluar sudah benar atau belum (cost centre yang keluar adalah hasil script dari input user pasangan Functional Location+Planner Group).

Sunday, August 23, 2009

SAP > Edit RFQ Smartforms, Showing Buyer Name

Posted by Aries Wandari

Today customization I have to show buyer name on print RFQ.
Find the Purchasing group and field name at the RFQ form. Purchasing group paramater is found in EKKO-EKGRP.
Find the table and field name at Purchasing group configuration (SPRO > SAP Ref IMG > Materials Management > Purchasing > Create Purchasing group)
It shows that purchasing group at spro is using database view V_024. Go to SE11 to see which table the view use. The view is using T024 table.
At SE11 table T024, field that show buyer name is EKNAM.
Code below do the change.
FROM T024 WHERE EKGRP = if_ekko-ekgrp.


Batch copying and compressing of MSSQL backup file from S10 to S4 server has been succeed. I think it is o.k. with my batch programming in this session.

Dear IT,
Invoice di dibawah ini tidak bisa process PPL mohon bantuan untuk mengecek,
Terima Kasih
Pak Imam said that he’ve been doing upload vendor banks account.We should check the vendor account on XK03, go to change in sensitive fields.
Yes, it shows than bank details has been changed.
We need to confirm the changes of sensitive field with FK09. Note that the SAP user that doing the confirmation has to be different user who doing the changes. After this, PPL can be done.

SAP > Role on TCODE KP06

Posted by Aries Wandari

Dear IT,
buatkan 1 role khusus untuk entry budget di TCODE KP06. Nanti bila ada instruksi dari pak Rashid, semua user dept ditambahi role ini. Saat batas weaktu entry berakhir, role ini harus dicabut lagi.  Thanks
Save and Generate

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Batch Programming

Posted by Aries Wandari

I need to compress .bak backup MSSQL database file and copy to another server weekly. One option of doing it is using batch command and run it by scheduler.
This batch programming below is capture current year month, and compressing file based on file name (the filename has month description in itself).
::Display command at screen
echo on
::variable definition
set yyyy=none
set mm=none
set yyyymm=none
::take year and month parameter
for /F "tokens=2 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do set mm=%%i
for /F "tokens=3 delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do set yyyy=%%i
::fill year month parameter
set yyyymm=%yyyy%%mm%
::looping at criterialysized file list at directory (by year month) and creating compressed 7z file

set source=D:\BackUp
pushd "%source%"
for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%z in (' dir /b *%yyyymm%*.bak') do 7z a Z:\backup%yyyymm%.7z "%%z"

SAP > Create New Payment Term

Posted by Aries Wandari

Dear IT
Mohon bantuannya untuk create new term of payment.  Di term of payment utk LC yang terakhir ada Z032 : LC 180 days, create baru, Z033 : LC 365 days.
Go to OBB8.
We can create new payment term by copying existing. Click copy.
Insert new desired Payment Term code, Sales Text, Own Explanation, and No. of Days.
Last step is trying new payment term in transaction to make sure that the configuration is o.k.

Monday, August 10, 2009

SAP > Error Enter G/L Account No when Creating PR

Posted by Aries Wandari

User experience “Enter G/L Account No” error when creating PR.
This error related to gl account automatic posting, thus related to material valuation class.
Go to Display Material MM03 > Accounting 1 tab to see material valuation class.
Go to OMWB to see G/L Accounts in MM Account Determination (Materials Management > Valuation and Account Assignment > Account Determination > Account Determination without Wizard > Configure Automatic Posting > G/L Accounts)
Configuration shows that the valuation class only has one gl account configuration, that is account balance. While the P&L account is not configured yet.
300116     Receipt Credit A/C (GR/IR) - Services              Balance
           3090 Services Expenses          
                WRX GR/IR clearing account

Compare with valuation class that has balance and P&L gl account pair.
300116     Receipt Credit A/C (GR/IR) - Services              Balance
    2060 Stationeries/Supplies/Pri
        WRX GR/IR clearing account

780000 Stationeries/Supplies/Printing/Photocopy P&L
    2060 Stationeries/Supplies/Pri
        GBB Offsetting entry for inventory posting
        VBR Consumption for Internal Goods Issues
        VBR Consumption for Internal Goods Issues

I should ask accounting to config P&L account for this automatic posting then, since this things is their authority.

     Our SAP system now maintain two company. Since both using same smartforms, we have to modify it. Today I have to modify procurement manager name. When we print to Company A, it shows Mr A, when we print to Company B it will shows company B. The node shows that the element is using SAP standard text. So I just have to add new SAP standard text (tcode: SO10, as SE78 to input graphics) to Company B and add condition to the node. Not a big deal.
     Test part at PTD (development environment) shows o.k. But after transport it to PTQ (quality environment), the item is just blank. Try to debug it in PTD everything is fine. But in PTQ it still blank. After minutes work around, it just a silly mistake. I forgot to create the standard text in PTQ also. Standard text (and graphics) is not automatically transported when we transport the smartforms. And ofcourse, I have to add it manually at PTP (production environment).

Saturday, August 8, 2009

SAP > Old Memories on Sales and Distribution

Posted by Aries Wandari

Todays job is uploading PO that has been already GR by store. How come doing Good Receipt without PO? Hehehe.. this early phase of SAP implementation is not perfect yet, we have to do 'back door' things to keep the plant running and money in balance.

Meanwhile, our Sales and Distribution key users and IT who guard this module is in holiday (ups, it is me who take the job on Saturday). Warehouse and sales team start asking about Sales Quotation, Sales Order, Delivery, Credit Limit Check, Finish Goods Stock Balance, Consignment, etc etc.... Gotta hardly remember SD things one year past.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

SAP > First SAP Open Period

Posted by Aries Wandari

Dear Team, We need your fully support  since period is open today (1 month late ) and very tight target (only 2 days). The real problem usually occur on first posting activities.
Pak Ezal, please standby for Transport Request from us.
Pak Joko/Pak Hilal/Pak Farid, please come to Curug on Thursday & Friday (6-7 August) and assist the user to post transactions.
Thank you for your valuable support.
Thanks & regard


First SAP open period for our newly joined company…………. &%$*&$%^$#

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

SAP > Add Purchasing Group

Posted by Aries Wandari

Dear IT Team,

Please add Mr. Suryana and Mr. Sapendi as new buyer on the SAP system, and revoke Mr. Alen and Mr. Roesman since both are rolled to another department.
Thank you

SPRO > SAP Ref IMG (F5) > Material Master > Purchasing > Create or Maintain
Purchaisng groups
Don’t forget to add new Purchasing Group to user roles (current screenshot gives * mark, shows that the user has access to all purchasing group).

Sunday, August 2, 2009

SAP > SQVI on Vendor

Posted by Aries Wandari

Dear Farid,
Thanks for your documents. But for the vendor master list, can we have similar format with the same fields as the file attached? The attachment is the vendor master list for TPM. We would like to have similar format including vendor bank account number field for our testing purposes. Thanks for your help.
Best regards,

Internal Audit Dept

Requested field are:
Vendor Account Number
Name 1
Name 2
Name 3
Name 4
Street 4
Street 5
Telephone 1
Fax Number
Creation Date
Central Deletion Flag for Master Record
Central posting block
Centrally imposed purchasing block
Bank Account Number

Here the step:
Go to SQVI > Select Basis Mode
Go to data source to create table relationship.

At table LFA1:
Vendor Account Number
Name 1
Name 2
Name 3
Name 4
Central Deletion Flag for Master Record
Central posting block
Centrally imposed purchasing block

At table ADRC:
Street 4
Street 5

At table LFB1:
Creation Date
Company Code

At table ADR6:
Email Address

At table LFBK:
Bank Account Number

For email address, I found the table from this article, since at the technical information of the field it point to a structure, not direct point to original table.
You need to activated SQL trace and change email on master to find where email address is stored. Here i share the result of tracing using SQL trace of email addess Customer and Vendor master.
For Vendor :
select adr6-addrnumber (email)
from table adr6 join table lfa1 with key adr6-addrnumber = lfa1-adrnr