Company policy in Health Safety and Environment is No Accident, No Harm to People, and Conserve Environment by Prevent Pollution. The company will regularly identify safety issue associated with all activities and take appropriate action to manage the risks and hence prevent or reduce the impact of potential accidents or incidents. And its all elements of the company mandate to create such safe workplace and environment.
Currently we has built and maintain TRACKING inhouse application software for this HSE matters. Built with VB6 and DBMS MSSQL 2000 .TRACKING is an electronic HSE management system as an automation in recording, reporting and documenting of HSE Input and Output. The system maintain safety issue of the company, such as Incident, Nearmiss, Substandard, Safety Inspection, etc. It provide as a paperless and fast communication since it generate an email notification and weekly reminder to every person related to the safety issue outstanding action. The system try to record all system (potential) failures in the company to prevent future incident. As the (potential) incidents reported and investigated, HSE team will try to discover basic cause of the incident and indentify what action/program need to be taken to control that losses.
Tracking Workflow
All personnel is responsible to record and entry the safety input and output on tracking system. Personnel who don’t have email facilities can delegate it to tracking system custodian.
Secretary or custodian job:
- To make sure that the HSE input from his/her department are entry or recorded in tracking system.
- To monitor and control the close out action from his/her department.
HSE Terms
An undesired event that result in harm to people, damage to property or loss to process.
Near Miss
An undesired event which under slightly different circumstances could have resulted in harm to people, damage to property or loss to process.
- Action: Activities that can harm people if the activities procedure not getting improved.
- Condition: A tools or workplace condition that can harm people if such condition not getting improved.
Planned or unplanned departmental or personal inspection (safety patrol).
Safety talk
Departmental activities discussing a safety issue.
Personal suggestion about safety issue.
HSE Committee
A group of committee from every level of company organization hopefully to decrease information gap of safety issue.
Emergency drill
A simulation of emergency condition.
SA (safety audit)
Independent assessment of the safety management system to check its validity and reliability.
House keeping
Departmental housekeeping.
Hazard Operation
A physical situation with potential for injury to people, and or damage toproperty or the environment.