Freeze PO on Fully Release state do trouble. Urgent PO need to be revised and time to make direct edit to table. To edit PO net price, we need to edit Net price (and total price) (EKPO) and edit Condition (KONV). Link between EKKO and KONV is field KNUMV.
Go to SE16N, type &sap_edit to activate direct edit mode on table. Key in parameter, and input desired value.
Do direct edit
One of procurement audit finding is, PO release has to be reset whether PO value increase or decrease. Old fashion way, PO release only reset if total value is increase only. Testing and googling shows that there is no way PO release reset if total value is decrease. So we choose freeze PO on its fully release state.
SPRO > IMG > Materials Mangement > Purchasing > Purchase Order > Release Procedure for Purchase Orders > Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders > Release Indicator
But then problem occur. If user want to edit the PO, it has to be un-released first. And still PO cant be un-released if PO has been issued (error is ‘Document has already been outputted… ’). We still waiting the solution from SAP. Or we need to create new different procurement procedure for this. Or, another solution is using user-exit.
Something interesting found in this non valuated material. I’ve GR non val material 1700000015 for 15 EA. But in my customized report ZMMF001, the total stock is not updated. But in SAP standard report MB52, the quantity is updated. In report ZMMF001 I use account MBEW-LBKUM as a reference. While on MB52 it use MARD-LABST as reference.
MM03 > Accounting1, field Total Stock (MBEW-LBKUM)
MM03 > Plant stock, field Unsres.use stock (MARD-LABST)
One of store audit finding result that we need to maintain ex-project material which has no value. This will be ‘non valuated material’. We need to define non valuated material type, material group, and valuation class.
1. Define material type OMS2
Create NVAL material type reference to UNBW Nonvaluated materials
Select View. Set Internal/External Purchase Order to 0 since it will not go to procurement process. Set quantity updating in all valuation areas, and value updating in no val areas.
2. Define Number Range MMNR
Create new number range group and interval. Then assign the interval to the groups.
Experiment shows that on number range transport, current number is also transported to target system. We’ll set the number range for this non valuated material type manually.
3. Set valuation class OMSK
Create NVAL Account Category ref
Create NonValuated valuation class
Assign val class to Account Category Ref