Monday, October 25, 2010

Read Text Object

Posted by Aries Wandari

Today user request me to download Notification long text. Function READ_TEXT need text id, text name, text object as parameters. Below are steps to find those parameters.

call function 'READ_TEXT'
    id                      = ?
    language          = sy-langu
    name                = ?
    object               = ?
    lines                  = lines
    id                       = 1
    language           = 2
    name                 = 3
    not_found          = 4
    object                 = 5
    reference_check = 6
    wrong_access_to_archive = 7.
In any long text editor, go to menu Go To > Header.
There is Text Name, Language, Text ID, Text Object.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Datetime to Character Conversion

Posted by Aries Wandari

Datetime or smalldatetime conversion to character data. Add 100 to a style value to get a four-place year that includes the century (yyyy).

Without century (yy)With century (yyyy)

-0 or 100 (*) Defaultmon dd yyyy hh:miAM (or PM)
6106-dd mon yy
7107-Mon dd, yy
-9 or 109 (*) Default + millisecondsmon dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM (or PM)
-13 or 113 (*) Europe default + millisecondsdd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h)
-20 or 120 (*) ODBC canonicalyyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h)
-21 or 121 (*) ODBC canonical (with milliseconds)yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h)
-126(***)ISO8601yyyy-mm-dd Thh:mm:ss.mmm(no spaces)
-130*Hijri****dd mon yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM
-131*Hijri****dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM
Please check for detail.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Programmer Team, Current Project

Posted by Aries Wandari

Programmer team current project.

MSSRMaterial Selling System (non finish goods, waste, etc).Application done, waiting integration with SAP.
TLIMSWeb application replacing old LIMS.User trial.
Export TradingMaintain export trading data related to sales order, such as arrange
shipment, forwarder, forwarder commission, etc.
User trial.
Import non Trading (Procurement)Maintain import trading data (procurement import purchase order).Define user requirements.
Account Payable (AP) WorkflowTrack invoice status that accounting received from vendor.Workflow and application design done, go to coding.
SAP Server RelocationSAP server relocation currently abroad to local site.
SAP TradingSet new company code that will handle all corporate trading transaction. Since the company is registered as manufacture company, we have to set trading transaction separately from current system.Design organizational structure.

Current major system maintained by IT (besides SAP). Most are inhouse applications developed by our software programmer division team.

CAFinhouseContract System
- Manage company contract related to vendor.
CRDSinhouseCustomer Relation Database System
- Provide information about PT TITAN customer (integrated with SAP already), specific customer requirement for the product, competitor purchasing information, etc.
- Record technical and sales visit of our technical service staff.
- Process sample request, customer trial request from customer.
- Manage customer complaint or record customer satisfaction from customer.
EDSinhouseElectronic Document System
- Manage company document electronically such as ISO Document, etc.
ERMinhouseEnterprise Risk Management
- Manage risk of a job/project to ensure its safety aspects (identify risk, search for outcomes, etc).
HR SysteminhouseHR System for Employee
- Web base application to create/display/approve employee annual leave, business travel, attendance report.
- Display employee personal data, medical record history.
- Display company HR related form and publication (Internal Memorandum, Organization Notice, etc).
IT Support/IT HelpdeskinhouseIT Support System.
- Record application and database backup routine.
- Record any event/problem on server system, application, network, pabx, etc.
- Managing IT helpdesk request from user.
LIMSexternalLaboratory Information Management System
- Maintain experiment and laboratory data about characteristic of a product)
LDSinhouseLaboratory Data System
- Maintain laboratorium data related to products development and quality
control. The system consume LIMS data for a judge that a product is sold as Prime, Near Prime etc.
Online ApplicationinhouseWeb based application for Admin Service Department request for service, such as transportation request, meal, office stationaries, business card, uniform request.
PersonelinhouseHR System for HR Department
- Manage employee personal data,
- Maintain employee personal information data, family data, working experience, education,
annual leave, medical, training and position history.
- Recognition achieved and warning accepted from the company.
- Create employee work schedule, process employee absens.
PTServiceinhouseSAP to Local Database Data Transporter (SQL)
- A system to download SAP mature data to TPN local database server.
Corporate IntranetinhousePT TITAN Intranet web, provide corporate matters, department links and publication.
Also provide links to another application (Phone Book, Web Mail, HR System for Employee, etc)
ServicesinhouseAdmin Service System
- Process logistic operation such as vehicle kilometers and petrol entry, telephone usage,
laundry, employee meals.
TrackinginhouseHSE Related Software
- Software for tracking Safety related issue of the company. Such as record any incident report,
near miss, sub standard, safety talk performed, inspection walkthrough, ideas/suggestion, emergency
drill, housekeeping, HSE Comitte and HSE Audit, Non Conformity Report and Safety Assesment.
Weightbridge SystemexternalWeightbridge System
- A system that validate between real truck load with product weight shows on Delivery Order, in order to deliver finish product to customer.